Personal assistant

Not everybody opts for a full care package. You might feel that a full care plan is unnecessary or excessive, perhaps only requiring minor assistance day-to-day. Platinum can help with providing a support worker for these tasks – whether that means walking the dog, doing the weekly shop or helping get the internet working again.

The service we provide

Everybody’s needs are different, so the services that we offer are tailored specifically to you or your loved one. We offer an initial free consultation in which we can assess how we can effectively meet your needs, whilst you can also get to know us a little better. Having a personal assistant is a great way to ensure that you can continue to live as you like and retain your independence, with the added peace of mind that there is always somebody there should things get tough.

Who will care for my loved one?

We try our best to be like a second family at Platinum; we will try to match you with personal assistants that effectively meets your needs and suits you personally. If you are unhappy at any point, no matter the reason, we can work to resolve it with as little hassle on your end as possible.

Get in touch

If you would like more information on personal assistant options and how we can support you, please get in touch via our contact page below. Our phone lines operate 24 hours a day (do leave a message if we don’t answer straight away), and, depending on covid restrictions, you can also pop down to our office at a time that best suits you. If you want a care solution then please talk to us as soon as possible, because we can.

All our care services are listed below: